Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tips and for writing web site content

Online businesses need to reflect the concept that "Content is King" in the design, marketing, and writing of their web sites to truly be successful.

At AK Globaltech Designs, we always ask these 3 questions to online business professionals to see if they really understand the concept of "Content is King." We find that if they cannot answer these 3 questions immediately, then that gives us a clearer idea of how prepared the client is to be online.

• Why should I visit your web site?
• Why should I return to your web site?
• What separates you from your competition?

Why should I visit your web site (without spending any money)?

The #1 reason people visit web sites is for information. Thus, if you provide information for people such as free marketing tips, a how-to section, or tips for buying your product or service, you have given a benefit for visiting your site.
The tips for buying your product or service is particularly beneficial because you are helping your potential customers make the best decision they can. It shows that you are thinking of your customers ("Let me help you make the best purchase for your budget"), not yourself ("Buy my stuff because I'm the best").

Why should I return to your web site?

People usually won't buy from you until they visit your site 4-5 times. So you should give people a reason to return to your site. Updating product or service information, timely how-to tips, or an upgraded software demo are good reasons for people to return to your site or maybe even bookmark it.
This question also indicates web marketing savvy. Coca Cola does not show the same commercial year after year after year because people will get bored with the same commercial. Nor should anyone show the exact same web site month after month after month. A site should be updated at least every 1 to 3 months, even if the changes are minimal. (Search engines re-index/re-catalog changed pages.)

What separates you from your competition?

We expect to hear company's unique selling proposition (USP) here and try to design or market the site based on this. We are usually amazed when people tell that they are the *best* at something but cannot back it up with customer testimonials or data. We also get many potential clients that have no unique selling proposition.
We often hear the "best customer service" and the "lowest prices" together. From our standpoint, if you want to hire a really talented customer service staff, you have to pay them well. That will affect your overhead and, thus, your prices. Also, we have found that the lowest prices rarely get the best quality.
Online businesses who can answer these questions immediately do extremely well on the web because they are giving people reasons to come and return to their sites. They show that they are willing to listen to their visitors and adapt their site to help their visitors get what they want.
If you have any specific questions about our web site design tips, or if you would like permission to republish this design tip on your web site or newsletter, please use our contact form or email us at

Read » Tips and for writing web site content

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Website and what it can do for you and your business:

It is no more a myth; but a fact, research has shown that the internet is now the world’s platform for business. Very soon, business transaction will have only one major market place - on the Internet. Justify FullAlready millions of buyers and sellers are transacting business 24 hours over the internet every day. Approximately 800 million people world wide have access to the World Wide Web {WWW}. No matter what your business is, you can't ignore 800 million people. To be part of that community and show that you are interested in serving them, you need to be on the www for them, after all, your competitors will be there too. Here are 9 major reasons why business go online:-


To establish a presence.

To make business information available.

To answer frequently asked questions.

To open international markets.

To create a 24 hours service.

To make changing information available quickly.

To allow feedback from customers.

To reach the media.

To reach the special market.

The above reasons explain the imperativeness for registering and hosting a web site for businesses, companies, clubs, schools, churches and also for individuals. You are not going to be left out in this new trends. This is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. Grab it now and start to enjoy the benefits of internet business - WWW.COM Business!

Now, what can we do for you? We can establish your presence online so that you can make your business information available to your prospective customers. This will help you to provide answers to frequently asked questions to your customers. It will also open your business to international markets and your business will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to your customers.


We host website on both Linux and Windows Platforms (Server).

We guarantee 99% up-time. Our prices are friendly and our customer-care relationship is cordial.

Here are some some our our happy customers:

For Enquiries, Call Now: 08025102532 or